New Life Lutheran supports our local Community as well as the World.
Local: Christian Helping Hands – continuous fund and food drives’
Pearland ISD: RISE Mentoring, Lawhon Elementary, Angel Tree, etc.
Meals on Wheels – Food delivery
Pearland TX: Adult Education Center, Stella Roberts Recycling Center, Keep Pearland Beautiful (Adopt-a Spot)
Pearland Saints: Adult Special Olympics Team
World: Lutheran World Relief – School Kits, Health Care Kits, Sewing Kits & Quilts
World Hunger, Water-to-Thrive
Our Church site also hosts many groups: Word Fellowship Christian Church, several Girl Scout Troops, the Pearland Retired Teachers, several AA groups (Monday 8pm co-ed & Saturday 10:30am Women only), Alanon (Monday 8pm)