The Women of the ELCA is the women’s organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As a partner in the total ministry of the church, the organization affirms, supports and challenges women in their daily ministries at home and around the world. All women of the congregation are included in any of the activities listed below for fellowship and friendship.
The Women of the ELCA Lunch Bunch meets the second Wednesday of each month. See the current Newsletter for the location of the month. Carpooling is available.
The Mary-Martha Bible Study Group uses the WELCA Gather magazine to study the Bible, meeting the third Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am in the fellowship hall.
WOW (Women of Worth) meets the third Friday of every month at 6:30 pm. See the current newsletter for the 7pm theme/program of the night. RSVP to if the program is painting. Bring a snack item and/or beverage of choice to share, and a friend! Please no children under 16 years of age unless previously arranged.
Annual Convention of the TX-LA Gulf Coast Synod Women of the ELCA has been on hold.
Spring & Fall Cluster Meetings: see current newsletter for times and places.