Youth & Families

The Seven Milestones of Faith

At New Life we practice life-long learning.

· The Fresh Path into God’s Kingdom! God brings the child into the Kingdom through water and the Word and parents make promises on behalf of the child at their baptism.  Membership Requires Affirmation of Infant Baptism: A Paedobaptist Response





· The Beginning of Faith Learning! At age 3 children and parents are blessed at the altar on Rally Day.

95c21fad42055f18ffff8140ffffd502 (1)· Welcome to the Lord’s Table! The baptized are welcome to the Lord’s table! As Lutheran Christians, parents and children learn together the importance of the “means of grace” upon their entrance to the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday before Easter. In second grade families share a “Seder” meal with the families of the 8th grade Confirmation Class. A second time for learning about the sacrament is in October for older youth.

· The Journey in the Word of God! At 5th grade our youth are given a copy of the Holy Scriptures on Palm Sunday. This Bible will be used for their Confirmation Study time.  Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and suit

6d08a69d54f49016ffff8020ffffd523 (1)· Affirm the Faith! As the catechetical training comes to a close the baptized youth and their families come to the altar and claim the disciple life of Jesus as their own.

95c21fad42055f18ffff8142ffffd502 (1)· Stepping Out Toward God! At HS graduation youth gather at the altar to receive a blessing, & provide thanks for their parents who have stood with them these past 18 years. Moving forward trusting in God’s grace.

ed5a133944aaae4fffff8120ffffd523 (1)· Trusting Christ the Solid Rock! Parents receive the blessing of the child for faithful parenting and constant love for life in the Kingdom. Parents find this a time for letting go in love entrusting the child once again to God’s grace and direction.

95c21fad42055f18ffff8143ffffd502 (1) · New Life Lutheran Church is also involved at the synodical level. Here we are able to yoke with over a 100 congregations for a wide range of opportunities for growing in your faith. Each year our congregation sends dozens of youth to synod-wide faith growth opportunities in SE Texas and southern Louisiana. The next ELCA Youth Gathering is in Minneapolis in 2022.



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