Procedures for in person worship
What to expect as you arrive and enter church
Everyone will be ushered in. No admittance without Face mask.
- Once inside please do not remove your face mask. Only during communion will you be allowed to remove your face mask
- Everyone will social distance outside prior to being admitted
- You will be asked to step inside where you will pick-up your bulletin and communion
- You will be ushered to your seat.
- Once seated you will NOT be allowed to roam
- Restrooms will be closed & Water fountain will be turned off (Jull Building will be open for EMERGERCY use, but you MUST sanitize after yourself)
- Please follow directions during service
- Everyone will be ushered out row by row.
- Please remove all bulletins, trash and communion packs as you leave.
- Shaking hands and close contact are discouraged.
- Please bear with us as we are new at this process.