The Council of New Life Lutheran in Pearland hereby resolves that it will resume in-person worship as of October 11, 2020 for both 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m…
Consistent with our calling to love and care for one another and for the health of our neighbors, any person attending in-person worship must wear a mask and maintain physical distancing. Weekly reservations for attendance are required using our RSVP link form.
Livestreaming of both worships will continue. Those who are ill, have tested positive for COVID-19, or who are in vulnerable populations should refrain from attending in-person worship. Persons exposed to COVID-19, or who have previously tested positive for COVID-19, must refrain from attending in-person worship until at least two weeks after they have tested negative for the presence of the virus.
Persons who choose to attend in-person worship agree to inform the church promptly if they learn they have been exposed to COVID-19. Notice of COVID-19 exposure should be made by calling Pastor Bill at 713-614-7561 and should inform us of the relevant date(s) of in-person attendance.
The church will then make appropriate, anonymous notifications to others who may have been in attendance on the same date, so they may take appropriate steps to protect their health and safety. The church office will also notify public health authorities and will assist them in any efforts to undertake contact tracing.